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Mystical Earth Tours by Manon & Marion

We, Manon and Marion from Mystical Earth Tours, will take your group to sacred sites in the South West of England in a different way.
The difference lies in our intention, which is to help you remember your connection with Mother Earth and the energies of the Land. 
And another difference lies in our iteneraries, which can include ceremony, drumming, chanting or other ways to make our tours special and magical!


Ever since childhood I’ve been very aware of my spirituality. This resulted in a long term journey through Christianity, Nature, Gnostics, Healing to Goddess and the Ancient Ways.

Over the years I have visited sacred sites, stone circles and pther magical places all over the British Isles and in 2009 I decided to finally make the step to come home to the Isle of Avalon where I now live and work as a full time Priestess of Brighde, Priestess of Avalon and Priestess of Her, the sacred Land of Brigantia/Britannia.


I teach Priestess trainings, run Spiritual and Goddess related workshops, am a Ceremonialist at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference, Melissa in the Goddess Temple, Intuitieve Oracle Reader, Guide of sacred walks and tours (as part of Mystical Earth Tours), Shamanic Drummer as well as Interpersonal Mediator.

My intention and passion is to build bridges by opening people up to the beauty of the land and sharing the legends, stories of myths that make this earth so magical!


In 2002 I went to the small town of Glastonbury, situated in the south west of England. The sign post read, ‘The Isle of Avalon’, as I drove into Glastonbury it was a celebration of familiarity and a wonderful feeling of coming home: I have been here before and this is where I want to be.

Since this time, many people have come on my path that have visited Glastonbury and felt the same as me. Even if they haven’t visited, they have the feeling that they need to be there.

Since that first visit I designed my life in such a way that Glastonbury was an integrated part, by following a training course (Celtic Traditions) there and by visiting with small groups and in 2012, ten years later, I finally moved there.

My passion is to bring people in contact with the magic of Nature and the land, something I truly believe in!

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