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AVALON OSTARA TRAIL * Friday 20th March 2015


AVALON MABON TRAIL * Monday 21st September 2015

To prepare yourself for the Spring and Autumn Equinox,

we will offer a day on the Sacred Land of Avalon

to feel the changing of the season

and find the balance inside yourself

through connection and cremony!


Cost for the day trail: £100 p.p.



24-26th April 2015


With Alastair Newing and Marion Brigantia

(with ceremony by Carolyn Hillyer)


During this weekend we will be visiting the unique and inspiring landscape of Dartmoor and some of its remarkable Neolithic and Bronze Age sites. Dartmoor gives us an unusual opportunity to gaze into our ancient past.  We will explore some of the history that we know of our ancestors that lived in the area in these ancient times and feel the connection with them. Permitting ourselves to search back through the millennia we will use a combination of our knowledge and imagination to bring our ancestors to life thinking about the way they lived and particularly their beliefs, celebrations and rituals, also their relationship to the landscape in which they lived. As we move through the weekend you will be invited to take part in ceremony to celebrate and connect with ourselves, our ancestors and to honour the beautiful landscape that nurtured our forebears and still moves us to this day.


Alastair Newing

With a lifelong passion for history and an emphasis on what is still known as pre-history, Alastair has explored many ancient and sacred sites through the whole of the UK and beyond. He has been participating in contemporary ceremony and ritual for more than a decade and over the past five years has been focussing more and more on the creation of meaningful ceremony inspired by and rooted in the spiritual ancestral past

of our British Isles and most often manifested through men’s green man sweat lodge ceremonies.  Alastair’s spiritual path lies in making meaningful connections with our own indigenous  ancestors through exploring the significant marks they have left in the natural landscape where we choose to seek it out and imagining the lives they led, the beliefs they may well have held and the expression of those lives in ceremony and ritual.



Friday 24th April 2014

1pm * meeting at Merripit Farm (with potential drop of of luggage)

2pm * Merrivale complex – hut circles, stone row, stone circle and standing stone, also burial cycts.

7pm * Joint evening meal (beforehand time to settle in

Evening – Special Ancestor Ceremony by Carolyn Hillyer in the roundhouse of Merripit Farm


Saturday 25th April                             

Morning - Walking with the Ancestors near Kes Tor, Round Pound and Scorhill Stone Circle

Afternoon - Exploring Grimspound village – intact village with stone boundary wall and hut circles

7pm * Joint evening meal (beforehand time to settle in

Evening – Ancient Britain presentation by Alastair Newing


Sunday 26th April                                

Morning - Drizzlecombe Moor - Stone rows, round barrows, remains of village and bronze aga fields

Afternoon - joint lunch and optional visit to Wistman's Wood - Ancien Magical Woodland

Finishing around 4pm


Price for the Ancient Britain Experience: £ 245

(including: B&B accommodation, diner, activities and ceremonies).

This tour includes long walks over uneven terrain.








14 to 24 October 2015 


With Manon Tromp


Sedona is a magical place located in the state of Arizona in the USA. The red rocks of Sedona are famous and have a certain energy, that  appeals to many people all over the world. In fact the whole of Sedona is one big power place with many vortex places. Everywhere you walk you will feel the special power and history of the old Native American tribes who used to live there. Their cave drawings and ruins of there houses show us that they were very wise and I consider them my teachers, my ancestors. During this pelgrimage we will connect with their spirits and will try to receive their wisdom and knowledge or at least awaken it in our selves.


In the program: 

  • Walks to vortex sites in and around Sedona, like Bell Rock, Castle Rock and Airport

  • Visit to Montezuma Castle where we can see the ruines of the cliff houses and to Montezuma Well – a holy place for the Sinagua people who used to reside there until about 1400. The well was considered by the Yavapai to be the place where the people came into the world.

  • Excursion and stay at Grand Canyon

  • Visit to Navajo and Hopi area

  • Excursion to cave drawings of Palatki Heritage Site

  • Rituals at sacred sites


Manon will be your tour guide.

She has been a few times and has been inspired

by the sacred sites that can teach us so much more about our origin. 






 30 October - 1 November 2015


with Manon and Marion


Samhain, the Celtic New Year, is nowadays better known as Halloween. This commercialised celebration of Samhaind is however just the superficial and superstitional version of a very ancient and sacred festival. During the Avalon Samhain experience we will explore the true meanings of and different ways to look at Samhain through connecting with the ancestors, the land by ceremony and visualizations. Next time you will light a pumpkin, you will really know what it is all about!    



Day 1, Thursday 29th October:

Preparing for Samhain – introduction into the energy of Samhain (pumpkin carving - fire ceremony)

Dumb Supper - silent dinner in honour of ancestors and spirits (pumpkin soup)


Day 2, Friday 30th October:

Avalon Trail – Bushy Combe – White Spring (chanting, meeting the dark goddess)

Chalice Well ceremony – 12.00 meditation – Samhain celebrations

Goddess Temple ceremony - evening


Day 3, Saturday 31st October

Sunrise ceremony for the new Celtic Year on the Tor

Walk to the eggstone – visualisation – walk up the Tor

4pm – grandmother circle in the Goddess Temple (sharing wisdom about death, rebirth and transformation)


Day 4, Sunday 1st November

Myths of the past, lessons for the future – walking the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey


Price for the mystical 4 day Samhain Experience: £ 245

(including ceremonies, activities and entrance fees).





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